We are always looking for families to volunteer their time to visit us in the Baby Lab. We all know you live very busy lives so we appreciate you volunteering your time to developmental science! If you choose to participate, our studies offer free parking, free child care for any other children that you have, a small monetary compensation, and a toy or t-shirt to say "thank you" to our young participants.
Our studies are designed to be fun and engaging for your child!! Appointments are usually 30-45 minutes long. Studies usually entail your child hearing sounds or seeing pictures or a play session with one of our researchers. During some studies we will video tape your child so that we can watch and determine what your child learned from the study.
Click on the frequently asked questions (FAQ) below for more information. If you would like to talk with someone from the Princeton Baby Lab, you may call (609-258-6577), email us (babylab@princeton.edu) or click here to have us contact you!